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Old October 9, 2008, 10:43 PM   #307
4V50 Gary
Join Date: November 2, 1998
Location: Colorado
Posts: 21,858
From the regimental history of the 40th New York, the Mozart Regiment

I mentioned them earlier. Here's another funny anecdote involving two Mozarters.

"The new year found the Regiment well settled in comfortable winter quarters, and upon the return of Col. Riley from his brief furlough, drilling in battalion movements was resumed and continued every suitable day, but at this time an unexpected dilemma confronted Col. Riley, who was constantly entreated for furloughs. A perfect epidemic prevaded the regiment. Lieut. Col. Egan, Capt. Ingalls, Capt. Lindsey and many other officers had been granted 'leave of absence,' for short terms. And so the fever had spread until sergeants, corporals, and privates were attacked by the prevailing frenzy for a furlough. Col. Riley was beseiged by day and by night with importunities until he was teased and worried, if not irritated. In a few instances furloughs for two weeks were granted, which only made others more urgent. Almost every conceivable reason or excuse was given for requesting the indulgence, and in not a few cases, conditions at home were misrepresented to obtain the coveted permission to go there. The Colonel was generally able to detect deception, but in one case he encountered an expert imposter who told a pitiful fabrication about his sick wife in New York, who, he said, could not live, and that he should never see her again unless he could have a furlough. The Colonel told him he would consider the request and inform him in a few days. When three days had pased, Patrick again appeared at the Colonel's tent, with 'later news' from home, saying that he must come at once if he desired to see his wife alive. Believing that the man was prevaricating, Col. Riley determined to test him, and the following conversation ensued: -

'Your wife is very sick, is she?'
'Yes, Colonel.'
'You have a letter saying she is sick?'
'Yes, Colonel.'
'Well, I have a letter from your wife also. I wrote to her and she says she is well and does not want you to come home.'
Patrick smiled and said: -
"Did you write a letter to my wife, Colonel?
'Yes, I did, and she is not sick.'
'Did my wife write to you, Colonel?'
'Yes, she did, and what do you mean by coming to me with a lie about your sick wife? What have you to say for yourself?'
'Well, Colonel, all I have to say is that there's two of the biggest liars in the Mozart regiment that can be found in the whole Army of the Potomac.'
'Why, Patrick, how is that?'
'Well, Colonel, I'm not married at all. I am one of the biggest liars and you can guess who is the other one.'"
I'll be out of town for a week and won't be on line. Take care of yourselves.
Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt. Molon Labe!
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