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Old June 20, 2013, 10:15 AM   #44
Join Date: December 4, 2012
Posts: 47
A lot of drama in this thread IMO.

This is a PanHandler who is trying to get some money by selling something. He reminded the 18 year old girl he 'isn't going to hurt you' because of his daily experience is people are (rightly) afraid of him. Especially a young girl.

He spends his days selling worthless crap to make money to eat and perhaps buy drugs. (who knows). I doubt he carries a GLOCK.

He has probably been warned before about approaching (scaring) people in various parking lots.

The girl did everything right. She was right to be concerned and she was right to ask for an escort to the safety of her car.

What concerns me is how pathetic our Country has become when you can't even go shopping at Wally World without suiting up for a zombie war.

(Tongue in cheek alert). After watching the movie PURGE I'am thinking a once-a-year house cleaning of our streets, parking lots, parks and under the freeway overpasses would do a lot of good.

Lesson learned: Always be prepared for any situation.
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