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Old January 29, 2009, 10:48 AM   #30
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Join Date: January 21, 2009
Posts: 255
As the originator of this thread I am glad it got such a great response. I noticed that the responders to the thread were spread out pretty much all over the country; excellent. Now let me tell you why I posted this thread. As you have almost certainly acertained, I live in the great state of California. But.....much as I love my native state, we who live here are currently in a quasi state of siege, not only from our own home grown bands of gansters, but also from drug cartel violence right across the border from us (San Diego) in Mexico. About a year ago in my home town, a police officer, and friend, was gunned down during a traffic stop while assisting a fellow officer. The perpetrators, gang members, killed this public servant for no reason other than "Kicks." These people used a .22 caliber rifle mounted with a scope and killed the officer from about 100 yards away. The bullet missed his ballistic vest and found its way into his armpit. Dan died before the ambulance could get to him. He left behind a wife and infant son. Now, no one knows how these people got the guns, but, that is really irrelevant because dead is dead. So, let me pose this question to all of you who advocate no form of regulation on weapons. How, if there is no way to regulate, do we keep weapons out of the hands of lawless people? I am a card carrying member of the NRA and always, always defend peoples right to own and carry weapons. Here in California, law abiding citizens are penalized constantly when trying to buy guns. We can only purchase one handgun a month, must have a card certifying that we have passed a test and wait 10 days to pick up the gun. Still after all that, weapons still find their way into the hands of lawless idiots like the ones that killed the fine officer I wrote about. Don't you think that with absolutely no regulation whatsoever, law abiding people would be left to staying behind closed doors in order to be safe? What would you do?
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