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Old May 12, 2012, 03:57 PM   #42
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The gun in question was holstered, not being shoved in anybody's face.

The point remains, if something is a "right," then it shouldn't be subject to the arbitrary whims (or comfort levels) of others.

Telling the man he can't carry (with no law to back that up) is like telling gay people to stay closeted. If I could ban people from doing things I might find uncomfortable or distasteful, there might be a lot of disgruntled people out there.

Instead, if somebody does something that I don't like, but that is not illegal, I generally go elsewhere.

Edit: I agree with Pond. The carrier should have secured the weapon long enough to vote, and then filed either a complaint or a lawsuit. Unless his goal was to gain standing for a bigger lawsuit (IE, he can now state that he was harmed, by being blocked from voting).
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