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Old July 13, 2008, 10:34 PM   #38
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"If you are going to shoot, shoot, don't talk about it." -- The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
This isn't a movie, it's real life. If you wait until it's time to shoot, the 2 seconds (if you're really good) it takes to get your gun out and aimed may just be two seconds too long.

The police don't wait until it's time to shoot. They got the BG drawn down on and dead to rights. Now it's "Drop the gun, get down on the ground." over and over. If he drops it, the situation is over, NO SHOTS FIRED, EVERYONE ALIVE. And despite what some in here may wish, THAT'S the perfect scenario. If he even twitches that gun hand, he's dead on the spot. What's the advantage in waiting until the last split second to draw?
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