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Old May 15, 2010, 09:07 PM   #15
Deaf Smith
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Join Date: October 31, 2000
Location: Texican!
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To paraphrase John Farnam, "you are on your own".

Do not depend on the government to save you.

If you are an LEO, do not depend on the administration to pay for your training, especially defensive skills.

Long time ago in college, there was this cartoon called “Hip Shots”, and the gunfighter in it was named “Ricochet” or something like that. Well one day he was practicing his shooting skills and he said, “Sometimes it gets hard to afford practice, but then, I can’t afford not to practice.”

If I was an LEO, or a concerned citizen, I’d think about that. We spend so much money on movies, eating out, driving to the mall ten times a week when we could do the trip just once, etc.. and that money could be used for practice. And I mean practice, not plinking. But 95 percent, no 99 percent, of the people I see just don’t care. They don’t want to be bothered. Watching TV just seems so much more interesting than getting out on the range or working out in a self defense class like Krav Maga.

So don’t expect the situation to change. Instead change yourself. Cut down the eating out, cut down unnecessary spending, start practicing, AND GET FIT.

BTW, today was range day and Taekwondo day for me. Tomorrow is combination workout with the gang at a park. I do that an alot more each week. My wife and I eat out once a week and thats it.
“To you who call yourselves ‘men of peace,’ I say, you are not safe without men of action by your side” Thucydides
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