Thread: Capping Safety
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Old May 14, 2011, 07:46 PM   #13
Junior member
Join Date: February 10, 2009
Posts: 974
you can try this

you want to see if things are truly safe to do, well its easy.

if you want to determine the safety in general, or the safety percentage of using the revolvers hammer to push the cap down on your cones, simply do so outside while its unloaded.
cap each percussion cone with empty chambers, then use the hammer to "seat" them down. simply keep track of how many times you set one off while getting rid of an entire 100 count cap tin.

and simply do that for using that popsicle stick, and bare fingers.

if you want to get real scientific, try it with your favorite capper.

then if you still have caps or doubts, take a nipple out of the cylinder, put a cap onit and start dropping them on a hard surface in your garage to see how much hieght is needed to set it off.

i think wed all like to know.
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