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Old January 18, 2014, 10:23 AM   #39
Brian Pfleuger
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Join Date: June 25, 2008
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There's a whole bunch of assumptions floating around, made mostly of whole cloth.

Who honestly believes that the car accident was a factor here? It was quite obviously a minor accident. There isn't the slightest evidence that there was any concern whatsoever about injuries or "shock". The guy clearly left the scene. The officer said it was no big deal on the video, telling him "I just need your insurance...." Obviously, he needed more than insurance but the tone and words indicate it's minor. No evidence at all that a person should have been "in shock" or anyone has any injuries.

Also, the idea that he didn't wait for backup is false. There is no gap in the video and it is clear that other officers were at the door within moments of when shots were fired. The officer inside called on the radio "I need you in the house NOW." as soon as he saw the suspect. By the time he checks on the deceased, just seconds after shooting, there are two other officers in the house with him.

We can't see the suspects face at all. The facial expression and eyes could be telling the officer that this is much worse than what we see. He has 6 years experience. We have poor visibility, low detail on the subject and 2 minute video with the officers arms in the way.

This is really simply to me. We have a veteran officer. Any evidence that he has demonstrated a hair trigger in 6 years of police work? No? Why should I think he did here? I'd bet he's never shot anyone else in 6 years. Why now, unless his experience and training are telling him he has to?
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