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Old April 2, 2013, 12:51 PM   #8
Join Date: March 9, 2011
Posts: 55
Well if this passes we are screwed thanks to Obama care. The SCOTUS ruling started that forcing participation is allowable of it is a tax.
The tipping point will be when the media screws up and reports a raid on a gun owner as such instead of their prescripted "domestic terrorist" or most likely they will claim the person was violating gun laws or was a pedophile.
They will eventually come across someone who fights back. I fully expect another bombing of a federal building in my life time. I don't support such an action but having read more about Ruby Ridge and Waco, I can see why this with nothing to lose would strike out. The way the government is pushing the people and demonizing lawful ownership, there will be a tipping point.
There is to much happening to discount that there is a full blown push to Disarm Americans, and we need to really know why.
More people die from hammers than rifles in The US. More kids drown than are murdered. This push has nothing to do with the safety of the citizens, it's about the safety of a select few that are planning on screwing us big time.
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