Thread: Dog assault
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Old March 30, 2008, 09:25 AM   #38
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Join Date: November 8, 2007
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To all those idiots who say boxers, pitbulls, etc can "turn on you" this is for you.

You say they have more powerful jaws.

You say they are "bred to be killers"

You say it has a menacing look.

You say we should ban them.

Sounds like a bunch of Zumboism in here.

I guess that would be the ban the evil, powerful, "built for killing" black rifle/dog mentality.

Fact is, unless the owner can produce papers on an animal, the "evil looking dog" isn't a pitbull at all, but rather a mutt with lineage from SEVERAL possible different breeds, some of them "more evil" than the others.

I would say that 99% of all so called "pitbull" attacks were not pitbull attacks at all, but attacks by dogs of unknown or undocumented heritage.

Therefore, by that logic, mutts are far and away the most aggressive dogs.

Honestly though, the meanest dogs I have ever seen were the ones on the end of a chain.

Having a powerful animal of any type brings responsibility. Me and the other pitbull lovers here shouldn't have to lecture all you firearms owners about being responsible as it's already discussed AD NAUSEUM as it relates to gun ownership.

So go ahead, bash the breed in your Zumboesque ignorance and "All pitbulls are bad dogs" bullcrap. Seeing as how I've owned and bred these dogs before and haven't had my dogs (or any other registered pit) "turn" on me I guess that will make you pitbull haters a bunch of liars to boot.

Yeah, I been watching this thread a while and I thought I'd clue you in.

Fortunately, there were a couple other level headed people here so this thread didn't go completely out of control. But I'm sure the mad ignorance will continue.

Like I said, the meanest dogs are the breed on the end of a chain.

So go ahead, cast your vote to ban the "evil looking assault dog".

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