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Old October 5, 2009, 12:12 PM   #9
Senior Member
Join Date: January 12, 2009
Posts: 520
Perp in my house endangering MY family, stealing MY things...

This is MY 911 call.

(911) 911 what is the nature of your emergency?

(Me) My house was being burglarized and I was attacked, and then for no reason I can ascertain other than remorse for his foul crime, the Burglar shot himself in the face 7 times with a Colt SAA .45.... Please send help...?

911 only get's the cops to show up after you or your family or the perp are dead or dying or all your stuff is gone...

Perp's doing a grab and go or a night time home burglary generally don't carry gun's (prevents you from carrying more stuff) and you can, and likely will, simply scare them away by being aware of the situation and awake when it starts... Neither party will willingly stick around if they think they're going to get shot...

Crank heads or Crack head situations are very different from a normal burglary, they are so unpredictable that defending yourself is never really something you can prepare fully for.
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