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Old November 8, 2011, 11:05 AM   #5
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Join Date: March 3, 2011
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Among other things, I am a retired Safety Manager. Long ago I developed a habit of counting the number of doors to the nearest fire exit in a hotel, the rows of seats to the exits on an airplane. I routinely test the exit doors on hotels. this has resulted in a number of intresting discussions with hotel staffs.

As I moved into more populated areas, I developed the following habits.

When going to public places I allways identify emergency exits, Hard cover for protection and observe other occupants for potential threats.

Prior to moving out of the Phoenix Valley, I located and drove alternative evacuation routes which are not passable to ordniary vehicles. A million or so people trying to leave the Valley at the same time will insure that few escape.

AS a defensive driver I keep aware of traffic. I look for avenues of escape to avoide traffic accidents and your occassional carjacker.

I allways listen to the hair on the back of my neck. It will tell you of a problem before you are aware there is a problem.
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