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Old April 20, 2009, 12:02 PM   #25
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Join Date: June 12, 2007
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My concern is that, while the first part of it targeted very specific leftist groups, it painted the right-wing with such a broad brush that one-third to one-half of the population could be considered a "potential terrorist." And, the timing of the report--coming out close to the time of the various Tea-Parties--seems a bit dodgy to me. I am left with a sneaking suspicion that the real purpose of this report is to stifle dissent and opposition to the current administration's agenda.

We need to realize that a number of folks on the left see conservatives as evil, stupid, or brain-damaged. Look at what Keith Obermann's guest said on his show a few days ago, when the Tea Party protests were going on. She said that the participants were racists, and that they had an _anatomical_ problem with their brains that caused their frontal lobes to press on their "too small skulls." While that may have been intended as humor, it seems to be a very vicious sort of humor, meant to dehumanize conservatives.

As for this report, the implicit threat is, "Keep your mouth shut if you don't like the current policies, or you will end up on a watch list." If that is not intended to stifle political dissent, then they sure missed a good chance.
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