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Old September 11, 2011, 05:10 PM   #5
Senior Member
Join Date: April 18, 2009
Location: mountains of colorado
Posts: 977
Dang it, let me continue. For over a century the coyote has had every effort to eradicate him spoiled. He has been poisened, trapped, hunted, run down with snowmobiles, shot from aircraft and bountied and his numbers continue to increase. When calling preditors a fox will actually walk onto your lap and have talked to callers who actually had to grab them by the scruff of the neck and toss him away. Bobcats if spooked during the calling session, just wait 30 minutes and you can call the same bobcat again. When calling coyotes, if you muff the calling session for any reason that coyote wont respond to any call for at least a year. I have found prime calling areas that I was unable to get any response. Afterwards I had found out it had been recently called by an inexperenced caller. Be aware of your quarries intelligence and enjoy the hunt.
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