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Old June 5, 2012, 01:55 PM   #12
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Join Date: December 1, 2009
Location: Stillwater, OKlahoma
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I would definitely brandish,,,

I just can't see where any reasonable person should be expected to behave otherwise.

Some shambling person is sporting bloodstains, growls at me, and advancing on me in a menacing manner?

That's assault in every place I have ever lived in.

Maybe it's not battery,,,
But it's reason to draw my handgun.

If he keeps coming towards me after he sees my weapon,,,
Then I do believe the "reasonable person" criteria has been met,,,
I'll let him get close enough to me so that I can claim restraint and then not miss.

Or maybe I'll be backing away while keeping him covered,,,
That has worked for me in the past and I didn't have to go to court.

I do not believe that the prankster automatically deserves to be shot,,,
But if I were on a jury hearing the plea of a shooter,,,
I do not believe I could vote for a conviction.

I do firmly believe that if you do stupid things in and to the public,,,
You put yourself at risk of harm from that same public.

But then again this statement brought another thought to mind:

...what would you do if a stranger covered in blood, disheveled and grunting/growling like an animal were to rush you?
Many many moons ago I was "rushed" by a "stranger covered in blood, disheveled and grunting/growling like an animal",,,
I didn't carry a handgun at the time so I just snap-kicked him in the stomach,,,
Imagine my chagrin when I discovered he was a mugging victim,,,
He had been beaten severely and was seeking help.


Never ever give an enemy the advantage of a verbal threat.
Caje: The coward dies a thousand times, the brave only once.
Kirby: That's about all it takes, ain't it?
Aarond is good,,, Aarond is wise,,, Always trust Aarond! (most of the time)

Last edited by aarondhgraham; June 5, 2012 at 02:02 PM.
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