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Old March 7, 2012, 02:16 AM   #18
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Join Date: April 6, 2007
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Posts: 107
"Also, when I'm talking .5 seconds in competition, that normally takes into account that in competition, the gun is drawn, brought up to a sighted 2 handed hold, and aimed at a 8 - 12 plate placed at an avg. of 30 feet."

In competition that would also include reaction time from the buzzer. That leaves not much more than .3 seconds to do all of the above. That's a lot to accomplish in .5 seconds. As someone else mentioned, it's one thing to do something 1 time out of 10 attempts as opposed to what a person can do the majority of the time. I know that you are a very experienced shooter, but I think the .5 seconds is pretty optomistic. Mark
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