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Old March 31, 2002, 11:38 AM   #10
Join Date: March 27, 2002
Posts: 23
Think about this.
If a bunch of Black Helicopters landed in your area waving guns would you lay down your arms when they brought weapons to bear on you? I mean no disrespect to these brave men that served. I just feel that the movie served more as a tool of propaganda then a tribute to the soldiers IMO. When someone invades your space with force the normal reaction is to fight back. After seeing all of the innocent civilians in past and present wars being slaughtered and the media coverup of that fact it makes me ill to see all of these war movies glorifying slaughter coming out one after another. I have not sucumbed to this conditioning and still believe there is another way to go about it. When we have countless areas of technology to get the job done these military actions are just costly publicity stunts.
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