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Old February 16, 2007, 06:10 PM   #30
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Join Date: December 25, 1998
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In the 1930s, major efforts were made to eradicate coyotes in the cattle ranching area (sandhills) of western Nebraska because ranchers thought coyotes were a threat to their calf population. Franklly, I was never convinced they were that much threat.

Now, coyotes are more crafty than the average animal and, while the population of them thinned, they prevailed. The efforts did produce an unbelievable increase in rabbit population, though, which I had no objection to and I did my best to solve that problem. This is me in 1934 doing my part to reduce the overpopulation of rabbits.

My real goal in life, as the young cowboy I was, was to rope a coyote - I was pretty good at roping cattle and calves and horses - and coyotes were the ultimate challenge. They could dodge a small loop and jump through a large loop. My horse was fast and a good roping horse - however - continuing to strive for goals we never reach is one of those things that keep life interesting.

Also - fate sometimes looks after us in our best interests whether we like it or not. As many young cowboys that age were prone to do, I hadn't looked far enough ahead to know just what I would have done if I had been able to rope one and we didn't routinely carry sidearms or rifles. I suspect I would have had my hands full with a real problem - assuming my horse didn't buck my off and book, probably the best choice would have been to let the coyote go and hope to be able to follow him and get my rope back.

It was more than aerage fun, though. God looks after drunks, fools, and little cowboys.

OJ -

Last edited by OJ; February 17, 2007 at 12:23 AM.
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