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Old January 22, 2007, 11:58 PM   #61
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Join Date: November 28, 2004
Location: Silicon Valley, Ca
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Observations & comments;

First, it has happened to me while unarmed and it was pretty nerve wracking. But my approach was to tell the guy "Sorry, I just spent it" (change) while continuing to walk, angling away from him. When he persisted asking for cash, I told him "I ain't got enough to be worth it." and turned to face him, while still moving towards my truck He paused and apparently tried to make up his mind whether to leave or finish the job. He made the wrong decision, tried to close in around the truck. I pulled out the knife I keep in the door map pocket (a Gerber Mk-I combat knife), told him GET BACK, NOW! while bringing the knife into a low ready. He looked at the knife, then me, then decided to walk away calmly. I watched his hands the whole time, prepared to go for cover.

Typically, I keep about $8 in a cheap money clip in a pocket for such occasions. Fold the $5 bill on the outside and the $1 bills add some thickness. If tossed near the BG's feet, you can retreat, move to cover/concealment when he looks/bends down or draw your weapon while he's distracted.

Unfortunately, I've seen a number of cases where a BG will simply try to cold-cock the victim and take his belongings. This usually involves the victim not being aware of who's getting close to him or the closeness being "normal" for the circumstances (such as in a waiting line).

Well lit areas are no guarantee of safety, even if cameras are evident. All it does is give you better visibility of what he looks like and what he may be doing with his hands.

The best defense is to keep aware of who is nearby -- within rock-throwing distance as we used to call it. Inside that range they can easily run at you and make an attack before you are quite sure that's what is happening.
BillCA in CA (Unfortunately)
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