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Old March 14, 2013, 12:39 AM   #132
Rainbow Demon
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Join Date: September 27, 2012
Posts: 397
If they ever invent a Startrek phaser gun, even if its a stun setting only model, I'd sooner use one than a pistol, but no present day stun gun is that reliable at ranges past spitting distance and the charge from a dart can be short circuited away from the body by simply putting a layer of tin foil inside a jacket or shirt.
Just found that out recently.
A better way would be the ultra fine stainless steel mesh from the local Rayon manufacturing plant.
Some of the better grade Bikers leathers have fine weave chainmail panels that a dart would not be likely to penetrate.
I've taken some severe electrical shocks over the years, at least two of which were far more potent than a Taser, and was not down for more than a second or two. The resistence to the effects of electric shocks is cumulative. The more times you've been shocked the less electricity can affect your nervous system. Most electricians can vouch for that.

A five second till incapacitation interval is a very very long time. I could make a halloween mask from someones face in that length of time using only my Schrade Bear Paw.
Theres an old saying "any fight between two grown men that lasts more than eight seconds is a sporting event".

Mace is even more unreliable, some of the more dangerous types are almost completely immune to its affects. I've seen evidence of this with my own eyes.

A near lethal weapon would be as far down the road as I'd go, something that produces serious but survivable wounds unless the subject presses the attack.
One 12 ga Bean Bag to the sternum at close range is usually but not always survivable, a second hit to an already broken sternum may result in death.

If I have to hit someone with a club to keep them off me I'll most likely still be beating their cooling corpse into a bloody pulp when the paramedics get there.
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