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Old July 23, 2012, 03:01 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by ScottRiqui
There's either more to this story, or the bar owner had the world's worst lawyer. My suspicion is that the assailant had been "overserved" while at the bar, and that the violent outburst was something that the bar employees probably saw coming....
I agree. When a business gets tagged for something a third party does, there's some kind of back story. A bar can have problems if it serves someone who is obviously intoxicated or who is known to be a problem. A while ago, a Denny's had to pay as a result of a late night incident; but there had been prior incidents, so it was on notice that its late hours presented special risks.
The guy was obviously drunk already and the bar maid kept serving him. There was no court, the bar owner settled the day before the court date. He didn't get as much as he was seeking but they reached an agreement with both lawyers. He got all his medical paid for and I believe around 8000.00 for his pain and suffering. He also had witnesses that were going to testify that the guy had been in fights there before and they kept allowing him in. They were also going to testify that he did not in any way provoke the attack.
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