Thread: Texas Hog Hunt
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Old April 27, 1999, 10:29 AM   #1
Rich Lucibella
Join Date: October 6, 1998
Location: South Florida
Posts: 10,229
Well, I've just returned from Texas, where Kevin McClung and I met Ashley Emerson (of Asley Express Sights fame) for a hog hunt in Paducah.

While rich in hogs, the 10 square mile ranch yielded only one opportunity...Kevin was at bat and blew daylight thru a goodsized meat hog. Ashley and I had a fleeting glimpse of the accompanying hog as she disappreared...neither of us scored.

An outstanding time was had by all, despite weather that was rainy and cold...*quite* unseasonal for this time of year. I got to do some solo hiking and compass work, killed a number of "target rocks" with the Steyr Scout and Colt Delta Elite, spent a half day winching Ashley's buried and disabled truck out of the mud and learned a great deal about gear, rifles, sights and rifle craft.

Slept 3-4 hours per night, ate more beef jerky than any human should consume absent a high colonic and suffered thru two evenings of Jack Daniels, the area yielding not a drop of Scotch.

In short, I can't wait to go back!
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