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Old October 21, 2012, 08:04 AM   #19
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Join Date: September 28, 2011
Posts: 342
Thankfully my wife is former military and understands guns, and gun safety, and the fact that guns don't just fire themselves. She also understands that 165gr lead injections are a good cure for what goes bump in the night.

But, when my son was born, she went into mom mode, and decided that she didn't want any of my guns accessible, and actually would prefer them to not be in the house (although she was fine with the idea of me and him going hunting or to the range when he gets old enough). Well, I sure didn't agree with that. We had a discussion, and now my rifle cases stored in the closet have locks on them. The pistol in the bedroom used to be under the bed, and now resides above the level that a 1year old would be able to reach (still loaded), but I am looking for a qood quality fast access safe for it.

point I'm getting at is that women can be funny, and if this girl's worth keeping around, you're going to have to find a compromise. If she's ok with you keeping your mag right next to the pistol, and you think she's worth it, then keep a loaded mag next to the pistol, and practice loading it in the dark. If she wants you to put the mag on the opposite side of the room from your gun so it doesn't load itself and start blasting away, then I think y'all oughta take a trip down to the range so you can get her some hands on experience, and invest in a Louisville Slugger in the mean time.

from experience, this wont be the last thing y'all have to figure out.

Last edited by insomni; October 21, 2012 at 08:12 AM.
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