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Old October 20, 2009, 08:56 PM   #33
Join Date: August 31, 2009
Location: Colorado
Posts: 34
too much dangerous scum out there to be friendly

I quite answering the door years ago. Literally. If someone knocks at my door & they have not called ahead, I do not answer the door. I have no concern at all about what the person knocking on the door may think about it.

I always let phone calls go to message, 100% of the time.

If the TV is on I don't make any attempt to lower the volume either, I just don't answer it. It has been my experience that if you don't know someone is coming to your door, the probability of answering it and having something good happen is fairly low.

In this day & age, when answering a door (if you choose to answer it) a pocket pistol in your shooting hand pocket & with a shirt-tail out: or in the middle of your back with a shirt over it, would be what I would recommend.

It is always a good idea to open the door with your extended left hand, and stand slightly to the right side with both of your feet outside of the inward opening arc of the door. Then if someone kicks or pushes your door open, your left hand is the only contact point.

There is too much dangerous scum out there to be friendly when you answer the door.
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