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Old July 10, 2013, 10:59 AM   #3
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Join Date: May 18, 2004
Location: East Bernard, TX
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Bob Jones will talk to you and help you decide what lens strength to order, but I do not think his lenses handle astigmatism. I used one of his lenses for a while and wound up going to shooting glasses with the right prescription (and astigmatism), and a plain aperture.

However, I eventually did try the Microsight and, while it took some getting used to, it really, really works for me. With it the front sight is totally in focus and the target is usable - the aiming black does not fade and become invisible. With it I've shot my best 200 yard standing scores in years. It makes things a little darker - it is best on bright days - but it beats having to strain to see the front post, and then "jump" on the trigger when it comes into focus (and pull the shot into the 6 or 7 ring).

To use the Microsight you need glasses with your regular "distance" and astigmatism corrections - your street glasses will work fine - but I got a lens with the right prescription for my shooting glasses. I use Decot shooting glasses ( - because the lenses are large so it does not matter if you are looking through the exact center (i.e. in prone).

The Microsight is not usable in the rain - you need to unscrew it and screw in an aperture - but we do not shoot in the rain, it destroys the target cardboard.

Note: I am not affiliated with Decot or Microsight, just a satisfied customer.

I hope this helps.

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