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Old November 12, 2012, 03:48 PM   #7
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Join Date: June 15, 2008
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The only problem with asking a game warden is that each may interperet the law differently. The one you asked may not be the one that writes the ticket. If Idaho is like Georgia and most other states the legislature writes the laws and often word them in a confusing way that leaves those sworn to uphold the law shaking their heads. I know we have a few laws on the books here that are basically unenforceable because of how they were written. The intent of the law may be for a good reason, but the wording is all wrong. Most politicians are not hunters. They may have good intentions, but could word a law in such a way that they make things illegal that they never intended.

Every year there are changes to the laws, usually to clarify confusing articles in the law. It appears to me that you should be legal, but until someone goes to court over something like this and a legal ruling comes down no one will know for sure. Or if the law is re-written to take this into account.
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