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Old April 2, 2013, 10:49 AM   #1
Join Date: March 24, 2013
Posts: 15
Thompson Center - SAFETY QUESTION!


I've just received my Thompson Center Encore action back from the gunsmith, where he refined the trigger mechanism and installed a Bellm spring set and did a few other things. Overall the trigger is VERY nice, crisp, and clean. That said I run my guns through a series of "safety checks" frequently, particularly after anyone works on anything. Here's my finding in this case:

The gun will "fire" when 10 pounds of pressure or so are applied to the cocked hammer. This can be a firm press of the thumb or even a relatively small drop of the rifle. Anything that impacts the back of the hammer results in a discharge.

Now this gun isn't intended to be cocked while walking around, but still this condition makes me extremely nervous. I'm by no means an expert with firearms but my instincts are screaming that this isn't right. . .thoughts?

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