Thread: Excessive wear?
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Old December 15, 2012, 10:54 AM   #4
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Every gun is assembled in its own way which can be different from another, and some of the parts and their critical junctures will have a fit that's different to a degree which are tolerances.
Therefore the gun may be undergoing a break-in period where the parts are beginning to fit or meld into a position where they become settled in.
If you feel that there is a sign of a problem like excessive wedge battering or peening of the slot, then maybe there's a solution for it.
It could be helpful to show us a photo.
And as you shoot it more, to note if there's any other symptoms of a growing problem, such as a wobble, or a growing barrel cylinder gap, or an alignment issue where it's spitting or depositing lead.
If it only needs a new wedge or there's a little peening, then give the parts a chance to settle in just like a newly constructed house and its foundation will settle in over a period of time.
Even if one of the slots is too large then perhaps a good gunsmith can figure out a fix for it and then properly fit it.
You'd figure that if there's a wear issue involving a slot or wedge, then material would either need to be added, or removed, or both, depending on where the tolerances are slightly off.

Last edited by arcticap; December 15, 2012 at 03:48 PM.
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