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Old August 4, 2006, 08:11 PM   #132
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Join Date: May 6, 2005
Location: Darmstadt
Posts: 240
Pot, this is Kettle: You're black. Over.


You certainly seem to think that your answer is the only answer.
I only hope that someday you may realize that calling the police to report the erratic, violent behavior of someone is the right thing to do;
Sir, it is you who appears to be advocating that yours is the only answer. Several folks have attempted to explain that they might not be able to inform the police of such behavior (in sufficient detail for the police to take it seriously) without themselves being deprived of their rights and liberties...and with no guarantee that the police would, in fact, do anything about the potential menace.

Saint Augustine said the pacifism is a mortal sin, as in choosing not to defend your life you are in essence committing suicide. If by informing the police of someone else's odd behavior (not dangerous behavior...not criminal behavior) could cause me to lose the tools I use to defend myself (and my family), then my moral choice is clear. I fully understand that someone else, faced with the same choice, might choose differently. I ask you to understand that as well.
"Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never really care for anything else thereafter." -Ernest Hemingway, On The Blue Water: A Gulf Stream Letter
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