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Old November 2, 2011, 09:05 PM   #13
Join Date: October 17, 2010
Location: Athens, Georgia
Posts: 63
I've been carrying an SR9c every day for the past year. I mostly carry it In the appendix position, concealed under just a T-shirt all day at work, while dealing with customers. It's an excellent carry gun and is also a very good range gun. It's accurate and very easy and comfortable to shoot, even for 200 round sessions.

I just bought an LC9 this week, for a BUG, and for my wife to carry. It's much thinner than the SR9c, with a shorter barrel and lower slide height. It hides IWB wonderfully, but feels small in my, a backup gun.

If it's your only gun, get the SR9c. It's a better, and more practical "only one" gun. Good for carry, and great to shoot. The extra 17 round mag with the grip sleeve makes it an even better range gun and serves well for
nightstand duty.
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