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Old March 10, 2005, 08:48 AM   #1
Bo Hunter
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Join Date: December 9, 2004
Location: New York
Posts: 107
Taught "Eddie the Eagle" - Pretty fun!

I was the guest in a Kindergarten class yesterday morning for my girlfriends son. The guests are asked to do something with the kids. I figured, instead of reading a story or coloring a picture, I'd do something that might actually benefit the kids, that probably wouldn't get taught in school. After a little research I came upon Eddie the Eagle.

Surprisingly, the school already had the videos, workbooks, and the large "read along" book. I don't think anyone had done the program in a while though.

So I started with some discussion (I haven't been around kids in a while, so I didn't know what to expect), and was very surprised at some of the things I heard. Many of them knew not to go near weapons. I was concerned about how far to go when discussing the dangers. They cleared that up for me with comments like "You could shoot and kill yourself!" and "You could kill someone if you did that!"

They were pretty hilarious and full of energy. Some of the comments were great. I wish I'd videoed the session.

They caught on to the 4 rules very quickly, and the video seemed to entertain them. I'd never seen it before, but they were very receptive to it. I also took things a little further asking them about parks and schoolbuses as well as knives and other things in addition to guns. You never know these days. I went into it a little bit about strangers and what to do with them when they are by themselves, or in a group. They caught on a lot quicker than I thought, and were very energetic. I was a little nervous about how they would engage. They really do want to learn!

It was a good time. I feel I've done something REALLY worthwhile for a change. Something I don't get much at my job...

I would highly recommend doing it to anyone who has a chance. The "Eddie the Eagle" material was really good...

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