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Old August 22, 2011, 08:52 AM   #6
Frontier Soldier
Junior Member
Join Date: August 2, 2011
Location: New Mexico
Posts: 4
Is that an '03 Springfield? I have a M-1884 with similar barrel bands and springs. If the spring is not returning to lock the band in place, then you may need to remove the spring and gently clean the slot in the stock. Dirt and other crap can get down in there through the years and bind things up. Look for a tiny hole on the opposite side of the stock across from the spring. You will need a small brass drift, smaller than the hole, to tap the spring out of the stock. You could probably get by with just tapping it out just past the stock enough to swivel the spring clear of the slot to use a dental pick or other instrument to clean with. Clean the bottom and sides of the slot, and inspect the spring for caked up dirt and grease. When complete, re-align the spring to the slot in the stock and tap back into place with a wooden dowel and tack hammer. You may want to check the face of the stock where the barrel band rests and clean there if needed. Hope all this helps you out.
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