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Old August 1, 2008, 09:42 AM   #104
Glenn E. Meyer
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Join Date: November 17, 2000
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Sigh, no one understands me. I never dealt with the justification of such policies or moral correctness of their underlying philosophy - that's not my domain. I looked at the situation as an information processing, action decision with various factors that lead to various risks.

My point was that since I understand the variables that an officer may consider at speed with diminished cognitive and perceptual resources due to stress, I know that such factors may cause a shoot which would be detrimental to me. I want not to be a threat as soon as possible.

Thus, at the command to Drop the Gun - I would drop it. That's my personal point. I regard the risk of dropping my gun as negligilble.

Stress responses, selective attention, LeDoux's emotional response circuits, Collin's view of the forward panic response in law enforcement in a violent situation indicate that if you are perceived as a threat - you can be a Type I error, false alarm, incorrect detection, etc.

Not beat a dead horse on gun fighter tricks - but while you are giving repeated commands in increased intensity without compliance - that diverts your attention and makes it easier to shoot you. Seen it in the Insights training classes and some OPS.

I'm also left handed.
NRA, TSRA, IDPA, NTI, Polite Soc. - Aux Armes, Citoyens
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