Thread: Stupid question
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Old May 20, 2000, 10:23 AM   #1
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Join Date: May 17, 2000
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I have a stupid question. I have guns, owned them all my life. Shot many a tin can off the fence post, have shot many birds off the branch. I've never been hunting. My father showed me how to fire a gun, how to handle it safely, how to respect it. We never went hunting and I find that a part of me is missing because of it. Now, I can fire and kill my prey (deer, etc) but I have no idea how to field dress it or how to do what with each type of critter fit enough to eat. I do know how to gut and clean a fish so I'm not entirely lost. If anyone knows any books or such that I may read and catch up on the in's and out's of cleaning game, I would be most thankful. UPS45usp
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