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Old January 30, 2009, 09:32 AM   #10
Bartholomew Roberts
Join Date: June 12, 2000
Location: Texas and Oklahoma area
Posts: 8,462
Hello NRA!!?? Are you home?

How about standing up for us and screaming a little about Eric Holder!!
The NRA sent a letter to the new President saying it had serious concerns about Holder. It notified members of Holder's anti-gun tendencies immediately and encouraged members to contact their Congressional representatives. It sent Dr. Halbrook to Congress in order to testify against Holder's nomination.

Exactly what more do you want them to do?

Frankly, the whole battle is pretty futile since Holder is likely to be nominated regardless given the number of votes the Democrats have in the Senate (59). The time to stop Holder was by not electing the man who nominated him - a goal that the NRA spent over $1 million a day on during the last election.
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