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Old May 5, 2012, 02:13 PM   #64
Join Date: January 22, 2011
Posts: 35
I was once there: thanks for you support. You bring up a good point of not completely disregarding the smaller caliber carbines in combat, I think there are documented Israeli Mossad engagements with .22 pistols. I have a Colonel that works with me that says that he has heard of many Israelis run up and just unload the clip into your head or chest. Again, enough of any caliber and in the right spot can ensure death if you just keep shooting until they are confirmed dead, but taking a shot and then checking to see if they are dead with any caliber often times will not have the result you were hoping for. Any hunter probably has that story about the deer or random animal they swear they made a kill shot with that .30-06 or .308, only to chase the thing through the woods and find it dead hundreds of yards away. Just because the bullet hit center mass on where the animals heart should be, doesn't mean it hit their heart at all, it was just a higher probability of ending up there. Ribs love to deflect things in angles that sometimes don't even make any sense. Sometimes you get left with some Kennedy bullet theory story because the pieces just don't add up.
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