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Old April 18, 2013, 08:55 PM   #27
Join Date: February 17, 2013
Location: Way south Tejas
Posts: 21
Just so people know about the FFDO program - every pilot who does it volunteers for it, goes through a thorough screening process, and then goes through initial and recurrent training on their own time.

Meaning they take what time they have off from their job, and go through this training on their own time, not getting paid by their airline or the government. The initial training involves travel away from home, and then shooting for currency every 6 months (again on their own time).

This is by far the most cost-effective anti-hijacking program we have seen since the old Mail Gun days. That fact that Obama wants to cancel a cost-effective, actual deterrent means that he hates guns more than he cares about airline safety.
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