Thread: Idpa ?
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Old August 22, 2001, 10:05 PM   #3
Senior Member
Join Date: November 14, 1998
Location: Tennessee
Posts: 885
I'll try to help...

My answers are embedded in you questions below

1. Are all draws from hands down?

Not always - can be hands on a table, holding something, hands on knees when seated, etc.

Are any draws from the surrender postition?

Sometimes but not often based on my 5 years experience with IDPA

2. It is my understanding that anytime you drop an empty mag on the ground it is a penalty, is this correct.

No. If you have fired until empty (slide lock) you may dump the empty and leave it behind. You may NOT dump a mag with ammo still in it. If you choose to reload before you are empty, when allowed in the course of fire, you must retain the partially depleated mag in a pocket, waistband or mag pouch.

3. On a mag change can you hold the full mag in your hand while you release the empty mag, then seat the full mag, then put the empty mag away?

See above...

4. Does your belt have to go through your belt-loops??


5. Would the Blackhawk CQB 1.750" belt be IDPA legal?

If it goes thru your loops, yes.

6. Does the holster have to be completly behind the centerline of the body or does just the pad of the trigger need to be behind thus allowing the holster to be at the side.

Just the trigger pad, but don't push your luck too far in a match. You can get penalized if they think you are trying to "game" it.

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