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Old July 5, 2009, 11:32 PM   #21
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Join Date: July 16, 2007
Location: Gardendale, Alabama
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It's a mistake in legal reasoning to presume that an unarmed person attacking you doesn't represent a deadly threat, especially when the attacker knows you are armed.

Fending off dangerous animals with your bare hards or a stick when you have a more effective means is putting yourself in more danger than is necessary. I'm all about individual choice, so if that's how you choose to do it then by all means. Personally, I like my bits just where they are. I don't have time to worry about hurt feelings of someone who can't control their pets.
"What is play to the fool and the idiot is deadly serious to the man with the gun."
Walt Rauch,Combat Handguns, May '08
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