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Old July 14, 2010, 06:32 PM   #34
Frank Ettin
Join Date: November 23, 2005
Location: California - San Francisco
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Originally Posted by Hook686
...I believe the use of deadly force is allowed if one is in immenent fear of deadly force, or serious injury....
And one may be in such a situation, but upon drawing his gun, the situation can immediately change so he is no longer in reasonable fear of an immediate, potentially lethal attack. And if the situation thus changes, he must not shoot.

So your back is to the wall and someone is advancing towards you in a menacing fashion with a knife in his hand. You draw your gun, and he immediately drops his knife, turns and runs away. Are you going to shoot him? Drawing your gun was justified, shooting the assailant when he breaks off the threat is not.

And BTW, if you do draw your gun, and the assailant splits, call it in and make a reports immediately. Usually the first guy to report is, at least initially, perceived as the victim. That's how you want to be perceived.
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