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Old February 3, 2014, 09:38 PM   #28
Join Date: August 22, 2013
Posts: 17
Some people take on a completely different persona when they get behind the wheel. In driving school they call that the "critical parent" personality. Dude thinks he's the best driver on the road and it's up to him to correct everyone else's driving "mistakes." He uses his vehicle as an instructional tool and it never occurs to him that he's the one that's endangering everyone else. If you pull in front of him he'll ride your bumper and flash his high beams to try and give you a driving lesson. Eventually he'll cause an accident and when the officer writes him up he'll think he's the one that's being mistreated. It really is a mental illness and a dangerous one at that. Dude's probably a perfectly nice guy when he isn't driving.
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