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Old February 7, 2014, 08:24 AM   #7
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Join Date: February 2, 2010
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I/we used to donate to Share the Harvest here in MO. Last year, the local processor informed me I'd have to pay $25 to donate since the funds didn't pay his fees. I said "NO WAY". When it first began and the kids got some school credit for community involvement from the donations, I paid $5-10 for their benefit. I feel it's asking too much to demand the hunter use a tag(regardless of the cost), clean the carcass, haul it 20 miles(one way), and then PAY to give it away. I posted these concerns to the state but got zero response.
In 2012, I donated 3 archery deer because it was too warm to hang and cool it at home. This year, I just let them walk past w/o shooting. My family eats a lot of venison. We killed and processed 10-11 deer this year and donated nothing.
If the over funded bunny cops step up and provide tags, pay for processing, or hand out goodies(T-shirts, coffee cups, caps,-SOMETHING to make it seem appreciated), I'd be happy to help out.
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