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Old July 12, 2013, 11:19 AM   #57
Hiker 1
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Join Date: January 7, 2011
Location: Colorado
Posts: 596
When I was in college, my buddy and I were headed to a party and couldn't find the right address. This was 1994 or so, so we didn't have GPS or cell phone. We parked on the street across from where we were pretty sure the party was and decided to wait to see if people started showing up. We were on the street - public property, and this was about 10:00 pm.

Well, suddenly a strange little red dot appears on my chest and pans over to my buddy. We look over to my right and there's a genius with an automatic of some sort and an attached laser aiming at us. The windows were down, so I stayed calm and said there was no need for that, we're just looking for so-and-so. He grunted and went back inside.

In the console of my friend's car was a Glock 17. This situation could have gone horribly wrong in so many ways, just because some bozo decided to confront the strange car outside.
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