Thread: Maybe im wrong?
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Old July 19, 2009, 01:58 AM   #2
Staff In Memoriam
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locked cocked and ready to roll
The Gun wasnt loaded
Call me a prick all you want but your mom's anger was justified if the home is hers and you are not in agreement with her that you are allowed to defend the home.
Now for the real reason for my reply...
In quote one, you lied to us and yourself... locked and cocked maybe but ready to roll? Maybe you meant "ready to row" cuz an empty shotgun makes a better canoe paddle than club.
I was raised that you never bring a knife to a gun fight and an empty firearm is less useful than a cubscout knife. Also Family rule number one was never point a gun at anything you are not ready to kill and an empty gun won't kill so don't bring it to bear.
Do what you want but a golf putter is a far better weapon than an empty 870.
And once again, you and your family should have a serious discussion where the rules of home defense and each occupant's role in this are defined and set in stone... LIVES ARE AT RISK! If it is not your house, you really have no say in this...

If it is YOUR home than I think you need to explain your stance on home defense but suggest shells for the gun are kept handy if not in it.
And loose cats outside are targets for me and my dogs if I spot them....

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