Thread: Over-the-hill
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Old March 15, 2001, 06:06 AM   #6
Senior Member
Join Date: March 2, 2001
Posts: 601
Tai Chi or Yoga.

You need something that keeps the body limber, your blood pressure relaxed, and your muscle conditioned so that you can respond effectively. Both Tai Chi and Yoga are easy to get into, are non contact, and would be a huge benefit not only for your mental and physical response to CQB, but also improve your general well being immensely. There's usually a lot of hot chicks in these classes as well.

You also might check into your local range, ask if they teach defensive pistol courses, ask to speak with the instructor. If he/she knows there stuff they should be able to put you in contact with a hand to hand defense program that would work for someone who carries. Police departments, Security agencies all have instructors and programs that teach this sort of thing and I bet their are some programs available to civilians as well.
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