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Old September 27, 2009, 11:25 AM   #1
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Join Date: July 5, 2009
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african hunting on versus

actually it is hunting in africa not hunting africans. i am sitting here watching this show and they have a guy hunting a lion and a cape buffalo with a bow.

now picture this. there is a guy that wants to hunt dangerous game with a bow. first they show this guy drawing a bow on an african lion. the guide is next to him with one of those big bore double barrel drilling rifles. the hunter lets his arrow fly and the guide blasts his big bore cannon at the same time. the lion drops like a sack of potatoes. now i was not sure i actually saw what i thought i saw as i am also playing on the computer so now i watch with a little more attention. so next i see them hunting cape buffalo. the hunter draws his bow and lets the arrow fly, the guide again blasts the buffalo with his big rifle as soon as he hears the string release. the cape buffalo drops like a rock.

now i like hunting and i appreciate the extra skill it takes to take a game animal with a bow. i also realize that an african lion or cape buffalo are not animals you just want to **** off. but come on guys why bother shooting an animal with an arrow only to have someone kill it with some big bore african rifle a split second later? i mean the archer might as well have used a freakin paintball gun because it wasn't him that killed the animal it was the guide with his big rifle. what possible pride can the hunter have with these trophys? is he gonna have em mounted and brag to his friends that he took them with an arrow? now i am pro hunting but when i see shows like this it makes me sick. these rich guys should just stay home and play hunting videos on their tv and then buy a pre killed pre mounted trophy from some online catalog. either that or buy a gun and use the right tool for the job. if you are going to show a hunting show then show a real hunter not just some rich dude pretending to kill animals. shows like that even turn me off about hunting.
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