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Old May 13, 2009, 08:51 PM   #26
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Aikido has no attacks?

Morihei Ueshiba himself said that his aikido was 90% atemi, or the strikes and feints that help set up a technique. Most of the good aikidoka I know have backgrounds in karate, TKD, jujutsu, judo, kenpo, wrestling, etc. It's rare to find a serious aikidoka who started with aikido. So there are a wide variety of atemi potentially available to aikido folk.

As far as MA vs bouncers vs brawlers, it depends in large part on who the MA, bouncer, or brawler are.

I will say this, though: If you don't train in one way or another for physical confrontations, you will most likely have your butt handed to you by most MA, bouncers, or brawlers.

But since this is a firearm tactics forum, and we don't want to get too far afield, one of the main benefits to aikido is that it offers a lot of good ways to evade an initial attack or slip out of a grab, hence buying the time necessary to get to your weapon.

Face it, none of us are in condition yellow all the time. Bad people who aren't incredibly stupid will probably do their best not to give advance notice of ill intentions. Training that helps build up evasion and avoidance relexes at first contact could come in very handy; this becomes more true, the deeper your concealment rig is buried.

Obviously, if we had advance notice, we would either a) not still be in the area or b) already have weapon in hand. a) is the better option, when available and ethical (IE we don't leave an elderly woman in harm's way when we leave, etc)
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