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Old June 12, 2012, 01:16 AM   #3
Senior Member
Join Date: March 1, 2000
Location: Boise, ID
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The extractor does look like it is rotated out of "square" to the slide; can the extractor be rotated in the tunnel, or is the firing pin stop holding it firm? If it's held tight, and yet the hook is rotated relative to the rear of the extractor, you probably need a new extractor.
The field expedient method of adjusting tension is to put the extractor half-way into the tunnel, then bend it inward or outward to increase/decrease tension. A good ballpark tension level will hold an empty case against the breechface, while a loaded round will sag from the weight of the bullet. I've heard that some people will use a scale to try to set the tension to a desired number of ounces, but a 5" .45 should not be that finicky.
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