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Old September 20, 2013, 09:48 PM   #13
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Join Date: January 29, 2005
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Posts: 344
Any gun can be abused into a junk pile. The Brassers have a reputation that may be deserved or not. Rather than treating them as though they were made of glass, I prefer to shoot them, enjoy them and replace them as needed.
With that logic, you should just get a steel frame and save some money in the long run. Unless of course you get enjoyment out of turning brassers into junk piles. To each his own.

dlbarr, For what these guns are for, you probably won't get any more enjoyment shooting 35gr bp versus 18gr. Personally, I like to take care of what I have too. You may find that lower charges get best accuracy as well. Louder booms and a giggle or two doesn't give me the satisfaction that a tight group on paper does.
I had a long response for Noelf2 but took a couple deep breaths and calmed down. I'd rather believe I mis-read the post as an attack of me and was just trying to make a point contrary to my opinion.

Dlbarr, nothing wrong with the wanting to take care of your gun. I had to wait for my kids to all grow up and move out before I could seriously expand my shooting hobby. I had some guns when they were growing up and I taught them all how to shoot but I couldn't ever buy what I really want until later. Enjoy the kids while you can, they grow up so darn quickly it's amazing!!!

Remember reduced loads usually are more accurate at pistol range. Just don't reduce to the point of squib loads or have air gaps between the powder and the ball and you should be fine.
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