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Old October 1, 2009, 07:00 AM   #39
roy reali
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Join Date: August 23, 2005
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More Intrusion?

I agree, the government already regulates and controls private property activities. Some of you want even more intrusion. If some of this administration's plans go through, you'll be heaven then. The government already regulates medical care in this country, why not more then?

I am a border-line liberatarian, I really believe that government involvement in private property matters should be next to zero. If I own a house, a business, or whatever, I pay the taxes, I enjoy the rewards and face the risks, no political unit should tell me who I can have enter my place or not. Yes, its being done now. It doesn't make it right, and forcing more regulations on me won't make it better.

By the way, read the Federalist Papers if you want to know what our forefathers thought about private property.

One more point. I don't see anyone here upset about gun bans in Federal Buildings. Why not? Those, at least, are public institutions.
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